Solid Foundations

Founder (Kenneth Martin) Awarded

“For contributions to analog, mixed-signal, and digital integrated circuits, and outstanding leadership in microelectronics education and research and development.”

Wireless Sensors and IOT Modules

Many battery-operated IOT modules must be connected wirelessly to a "Gateway". GSC has developed a number of wireless sensor modules based on LoRa transceivers and also based on Bluetooth transceivers. The former can send data over longer distances, the latter have the advantage of a more popular standard and the capability of Over-The-Air-Updates. GSC can supply Wireless Sensors in low volume, or alternatively work with Clients under a Design Services Agreement. All communication links are encrypted. Wireless IOT Boards

Design Services

GSC offers design services help in a wide variety of areas including: analog and digital design (specializing in sub-micron technologies), system modelling, IOT sensor applications, and secure data-bases. These services can be either a time-and-materials contract, or a fixed-fee contract. In the latter, very well defined specifications are required before setting the fees. One approach is to define specifications based on time-and-materials, and then use these specifications for a fixed fee contract. Most of the integrated circuit design contracts require a Place-and-Route CAD program which must be supplied by the Client.